Friday, 30 March 2007

Bloody Hell! It's Raining!

Well wouldn't you know it. I am still at home despite having planned to set off for the choir weekend away about half an hour ago. Liang's car has broken down, probably because the battery is flat. However, the AA man is on his way, and with any luck we should be out of here by 8p.m.

Actually, that is the least of our problems. The weather, which was looking so great at the start of the week, has taken a predictable turn for the worse, with the rain now coming down in sheets outside my living room window. It isn't cold, but it is pretty dreary, which does not bode all that well for our Thames path stroll down to the pub tomorrow.

I was all excited too! For your enjoyment, I have here a picture of the pub which we will be dining at, in all its tourist brochure sunshine glory. I have also, quickly photoshopped up a version of what I think the place with actually look like when we get there. That is, if I can see through the raindrops splashing in my face.

Sigh. And to top it off I have no computer to tinker with all weekend. I guess it will do me good to get off the grid now and then.

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