Sunday, 4 November 2007

Living The Dream

I know loads of musicians who wish they could give up the day job and live on music alone. Unfortunately, it is a really tough world out there, and my impression is that for every Kylie there are a million who have fallen by the wayside. That said, I haven't heard a band with such catchy music as Paleday in a very long time, so it comes as no surprise that they are finally having a press album launch cum gig on Tuesday 13th November at 7.30pm at the Soho Revue Bar, London, W1F 0ED. The Pink Insider will definitely be there shaking his pink booty all night! I've been priveleged to watch Anthony (a Pinkie!)and his band develop over this very exciting time, and all I can say is good on them, I can think of no-one who deserves it more.

Oh, and do visit their website for the coolest in press photos!

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