Monday, 14 July 2008

So Long And Thanks For All The Fish!

One thing I didn't mention in the last post is how this past concert was Lynne's last before she steps down as chair, and from the Pink Singers. I have never known the choir without Lynne, and I realise now that she has shaped my experience of it. Being a choir leader is a fairly thankless task. There is no way that in a choir of sixty people you are going to be able to balance the needs of individuals against the needs to the choir, without stepping on someone's toes, but the slow and steady progress that the Pink Singers have made over Lynne's tenure is a testament to her, and her devotion to the choir.

Lynne is mediator, she is mother, she is leader, she is organizer, she is so many things it is nearly impossible to keep track of the many ways in which she has contributed to our well being. Speaking as someone who is very into the internet, technology and new media, and someone who would love to push the choir to make use of all these mechanisms of publicity and promotion, I realise that sometimes there are others in the choir who are not ready for this kind of change, at this kind of speed. Lynne has always been there to temper my enthusiasm with some, occasionally harsh, realities, and I am glad that she does. She has really kept our choir together and on track, despite all the different forces pulling us in all directions. The success of our last concert is a testament to this.

So, Lynne, thank you from the very bottom of my heart for what you have done for the Pink Singers, and for me. I salute you, and wish you all the best, and please, please come back to the choir when you have your well-deserved rest. We love you!

1 comment:

  1. Well said, Pink Insider. We'll miss you Momma Lynne!
