Friday, 15 August 2008

How Low Can You Go?

The Pink Insider has been semi-religiously following the Olympics on telly. I feel I am also slightly compromising my integrity by confessing that I am fastidiously recording every single gymnastics and diving contest. Not, I hasten to add, because I think these guys' bodies are just amazing, but because I am genuinely interested in the sports. Genuinely! Hey, I record the women's events too, so I am not really fabricating excuses...

That said, there is an interesting debate at present about the fairness of using the new suits swimmers wear which shaves their race times significantly, hence the flurry of new world records this year. Clearly, that is not the only thing they shave, because there is a somewhat less intellectual discussion about how low slung on the hips these suits can go. Above, a picture of Michael Phelps congratulating his team mates on winning the 4x100m freestyle relay (cropped for your viewing pleasure of course, original picture here!)

I certainly think he can pull it another inch lower if he really tried...

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