Saturday, 7 November 2009

Straight To The Point

I had a rather odd evening two nights ago. After class I was invited out for drinks with some of the guys in my tutorial group. They are all straight rugby/ football player types with whom I didn't think I had any obvious affinity. The idea of spending an entire evening chatting about women and sports actually filled me with some trepidation. But social duty beckoned, and I went along with the intention of ducking out with an excuse if things became uncomfortable.

As it happens though, I had a really great time: all the blokes were fantastic, really friendly, and we had loads to chat about. The lesson I learned is that I have my own prejudices when it comes to straight people (guys especially), and for that reason I guess I tend to socialize with other gay people where I can "be myself". But these guys were also pretty open minded, and I felt no inhibitions beyond my usual straight-laced self. It was a new discovery for me.

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