Monday, 16 June 2008

Ain't No Mountain High Enough

For me choreography is the biggest mountain to climb in the run up to the concert. Yes, it was shake-your-booty time yesterday, and the Pinkies explored the moves to Forever Motown. By now we have a particular way of doing things: as we sing the song we have ideas of what we'd like to do, and it really is the role of the choreographer to take it and expand it. Usually, this translates to something which we can never achieve (or at least the two left-footed Pink Insider can never achieve) and after a few revisions it gets dumbed down to something accessible to all.

We had a new choreographer this time round, and perhaps she was advised to keep things very simple because the moves were (to put it mildly) very rudimentary. Some of the moves were quite fun - like swapping between the sopranos and altos, and the tenors and basses - and I also generally liked snap-fingers-chassée bit at the start, but most of the sequences consisted of rocking back and forth. I never thought I'd ever say this, but as the choir has progressed over the years I think we are capable of more challenging choreography, and the current moves as they stand are a bit too basic. I'm sure that in future rehearsals we will Motown-ify and Pink-ify them!

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