Tuesday 9 December 2008


I don't tend to write reviews of shows I've seen, but feel I have to for a panto I saw last night called Sinderfella. It is currently showing at the Above The Stag theatre in Victoria, and well worth the trip and price of admission. First of all, a big thank you to Anthony B for sorting out some kind of deal with them in which the Pinkies support them, and they support us in return. And I happen to think it is wonderful that we have these small cabaret type places which support gay-themed theatre.

Anyway, Sinderfella tells the age-old story of a lovely drag queen played by Bette Rinse who wants to go to the Prince's ball(s), but who is constantly thwarted by her ugly step sisters. Along the way there are a footman, a fiary godmother and a rather random camp Russian to deal with. It is very rude/ lewd, so avoid it if you are prudish. And be prepared for audience participation as along the way there is a lot of singing and dancing in your seat.

I went with a couple of friends who, shall we say, were all the merrier for a few hours in the pub previously. The cast handled their enthusiasm with consummate professionalism, and I have to say that our boistrous row (which also included Michael Da and Daniele) actually helped lift the performance. How often can you find five people who know all the lyrics to It's Raining Men, Dancing Queen, Hero (the Mariah Carey version) and Be Our Guest, and who are willing to sing it at maximum volume?

All in all not a panto for the faint-hearted, but oh so much fun if you are willing to get into the spirit of things. A must at this time of the year!


stumbleweed said...

You forgot to mention the drag queen with the Madonna-style pointy bra that lay on top of me for a full 5 minutes... certainly an experience in itself. =:)

The Pink Insider said...

Oh cutey! I love how 'she' pretended that it was all part of the act... Apart from the bra, I hope you didn't feel anything else pointy!