Saturday 9 February 2008

Of Mice... And Keyboards

I turned on (one of) my PC(s) yesterday to find that the mouse would only go in every direction but down. While most of the time I am fairly happy navigating Windows with the keyboard, I will admit that the mouse, a concept which recently celebrated its 30th anniversary - thank you Douglas Engelbart, adds much greater versatility to how you interact with your PC. I like to do basic Photoshop for instance, and you really need a mouse for that. So, it was time to pick up a new mouse and keyboard combo. Why both? Well I was using an ancient two-in-one wireless system - the mouse still used one of those roller balls - and I can't really lose one without abandoning the other.

Ever since I was back last year visiting my parents I have been lusting after what I think is the Rolls Royce of keyboard-mouse combos: the Wireless Desktop 7000 from Microsoft. My cousin had the wired version and everything, from the position of the mouse to the split keys with their gentle curve, was just so comfortable to use. Unfortunately, is is also ridiculously expensive, so I decided that, as much as I type, I don't really need one.

So, in the end, eBay fanatic and cheapo that I am, I went for the A4Tech A-type wireless keyboard. It is small and wireless which means I can use it in bed while watching videos on my PC, but more importantly it is also an ergonomic A-type keyboard with those odd inclined keys. I am holding my breath a little on this one, because typing on it could be a complete disaster, but we'll see. Watch this space.

In a fit of random purchasing though, I also went out and bought a Prodikeys PC MIDI from Creative for my bedroom PC, pictured at the top of this post. The previous version is demonstrated with a strong Singaporean accent in the video above. At the moment, when I am using Sibelius I just use the on-screen keyboard which is neither convenient nor particularly user-friendly. Not having a MIDI keyboard of my own I had a peek on Amazon for a small cheap one which I now know doesn't exist. I am, in no way, shape or form, a musician, but I do like tinkling on the ol' ivories and checking my line when I'm rehearsing, so a cheap one will do me fine. I ordered one of these keyboards as well, so it looks like I will have a number of new toys in the house pretty soon! Check out more on the Prodikeys on YouTube.

Er, so rather embarassingly, one mouse died and I ended up buying two keyboards (and a mouse) instead!

Edit: I've now posted a review of the A4Tech Ergo A-Shape Keyboard And Mouse.

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